域名至少已注册 60天(在当前注册商) (ICANN的规定)\n域名的状态是 未锁定 (可以在域名管理中解锁)\n需要获得授权码(可以在域名管理中查看那个Auth Code)\n转移前最好关闭注册信息隐藏(whois保护)功能(Hypo在转移时一激动忘记关闭whois保护,只收到转移验证码,没有收到转移确认的邮件,只能眼睁睁的等了一周,庆幸的是转移成功了!)
\n再就是具体的转移过程图解(建议先看一遍再进行转移):\n\n1、登录name.com,点“Account”图标,进入域名列表\n\n\n\n\n2、点击要转移的域名,进入域名管理,给域名解锁(点“锁着的小锁”或“unlock”),并记下“Auth Code”\n
\n\n3、登录godaddy.com(如果没有最好先注册),点导航菜单“Domains”中的“Transfer Domain”\n
\n\n4、输入要转移的域名,并选择好后缀,点按钮“GO”;批量转移点连接“Go here”\n
\n\n5、进入godaddy.com特有推荐和广告,如果推荐的域名和服务你都不需要,直接点下面的按钮“No Thanks”\n
\n\n9、进入购物车界面,点右侧的“Enter Promo or Source Code”可以输入优惠码\n
\n\n10、输入你的优惠码,并点“Apply View offer limitations”使优惠码生效\n
\n\n11、这是使用优惠码没有成功的界面(成功之后的金额是会减少的),这里就不用优惠码了,点“Continue to Checkout”继续结算\n
\n\n12、进入支付界面,1.选择支付方式(优惠码不同支持的支付方式也不同,这次1$优惠码仅支持CREDIT CARD和CHECK);2.输入支付信息,在“use account information”前打勾,则使用注册账户时的信息;3.支付信息,图为信用卡支付界面;4.在“I have read and agree ……”前面打勾,表示同意协议条款。点按钮“PLACE ORDER NOW”进行支付\n
\n\n13、最后的付款界面(很多推荐的AD,无视),直接“Continue to Checkout”\n
\n\n14、付款完成,你注册godaddy.com使用的邮箱会收到两封邮件,主题分别是“GoDaddy.com Order Confirmation”和“Transfer Acknowledgement”。\n\n15、域名的whois邮箱中会收到godaddy的一封邮件,标题如“Transfer of XXXXX.NET”,里面有“Transaction ID”和“Security Code”,稍后会用到\n
\n\n16、登录godaddy.com,进入“My Account”,并点左侧的“Domain Manager”\n
\n\n17、进入域名管理界面,选“Domains”下的“Pending Transfers”\n
\n\n18、进入待转移域名列表,选择域名,然后右侧“Authorization”中的“Begin Transfer Authorization”\n
\n\n19、验证界面,填入步骤15中提到的“Transaction ID”和“Security Code”,并“Next”\n
\n\n21、填入步骤2中记下的“Auth Code”,并“Finish”\n
\n\n23、刷新一下界面,Progress状态到3了,后面是“Accept transfer with current registrar.”也就是等待当前注册商确认转移\n
\n\n24、到这一步,本应该收到一封标题如“Domain Transfer Request for XXX.COM”的域名转移确认的邮件,可惜,Hypo一时激动忘了关闭“whois保护”,没有收到那封邮件。\n
如果你转移的时候收到这样的电子邮件,里面有一个链接,点击之后可以马上确认转移,加快域名转移过程。借用以前转移域名到namecheap时的一些资料\n\n收到的确认转移邮件(最好自己用工具翻译下):\nIf you WISH TO PROCEED with the transfer, you must respond to this message by using the following URL (note if you do not respond by 30 Sep 2010, CRESIC.COM will not be transferred to us):< http://transfer-approval.com/u.asp?id=048BBA06-38EF-43B2-976E-7D8377B5E7D2\nYOU MUST CLICK THIS LINK TO CONTINUE THE TRANSFER PROCESS(你必须点击这个链接来继续转移进程)\n
\n\n点击链接之后,会看到下面的选项“I Approve(我同意)”和“I Reject(我拒绝)”,选同意,点按钮“SUBMIT”,如图\n
Thank you for contacting Online Support. The domain name is in the Pending Current Registrar Approval status. This means that you have entered in all the codes correctly to accept the transfer with us. There is nothing more you have to do at this time as the transfer process is now an automated process from here on out.\n\nA request to transfer your domain has been submitted to the domain’s Registry. The Registry will contact the current Registrar to make a final verification of the transfer. At present we are waiting on them to respond to this request. Some Registrars will try to verify requests of this kind before accepting them. Be sure to respond to any correspondence from your current Registrar in a timely manner or they may hold the domain. However, if the Registrar does not respond for a period of 5-7 days, the Registry will release the domain to us. This is what happens with many Registrars, so it may be a few days before the transfer is complete. Once we have been informed of the outcome we will let you know.\n\nPlease let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.\n\nSincerely,\nRose K.\nOnline Support Technician